Saturday, August 10, 2013

Blogger Exchange!

So I was smart enough to join in on Covered in Glitter and Glue and Adventures of Ms. Smith's super fun Back to School Blogger Exchange. I'm so glad I did because I got to meet the awesome and inspiring Krista from The Second Grade Superkids. I have to admit ever since I got her name in the exchange, I have been Inst-stalking her. ;) She is so active and fun and has the cutest pup! Besides her personal life that I've invaded, she is a dedicated and hard-working teacher. She creates very cute and educational things for her classes in English AND Spanish! I know she's a blogger that I am definitely going to keep up with and you should too! Anyways, these are the super cute things that she got me. Please forgive me now for the horrible picture and my nosey pup.

To check out all the other cool stuff people received Click on the pic below.

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Really? It's August??

This summer flew by! I would love to say that I got so much accomplished but I didn't. *sad face* Didn't lose 20 lbs, didn't go on a boat, didn't post on TPT (but that could be happening soon!) Oh well. I definitely relaxed and got started on my Reading Endorsement. Anyway, time to link up with Oh, Boy 4th Grade for Currently!

Listening: Friends is my favorite show! I could watch it every night. Oh wait, I do!
Loving: My parents are here from Florida for a month. It's nice to have them around. I want to do something fun with them before I go back to work. Maybe Put-In-Bay?
Thinking: I made it about 3 months of half living with my brother and my bf. I NEED my own place! I love all the time I spend with them but I need my space to do my own thing like craft and spread out. So I'm going house hunting on Sunday. Coolest BFF is a realtor. :)
Wanting: I love cleaning out and decorating my room! I can't wait to get in there. I ended the school year totally sick and basically stuffed everything everywhere so I know I have tons to do but oh well!
Needing: I need to keep losing weight and get in shape. I've been beyond lazy this summer. Completely opposite of what I wanted to do. So I'm trying to hit the gym everyday. 
B2S must haves: 1. Need to print and laminate all my cute and educational things that I bought on TPT this year.
2. I love to get a fresh haircut and color before school starts. I'm thinking red ombre again. 
3. I love to label everything so I always have a Sharpie on-hand!

Can't wait to read your Currently!!

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