Listening: Kinda self explanatory.
Loving: I'm taking a class also this summer but I do have plenty of downtime. I love it.
Thinking: I still hate going to the gym but I'm making myself go. How many times before it gets easier?
Wanting: So I sold my condo in May. I was thinking that it would be great to save money and move into my parents' old house (they live in Florida now) with my brother, sis in law and 4 year old niece. It's a nice size but since I came in last, I have no place to put my stuff. The other part was that I spend most of my time at my bf house. It's waaaaay too small for me to move in there full time. So I'm half way into two places. Not too fun. So I'm thinking of getting my own place. We'll see.
Needing: I have a do a unit for my class using the backwards design method. I really want to do something that I will use this year. Any ideas for 3rd grade?
Tips: I love looking at pictures so that's my tip. :)